No inkling we\\'ve all detected the phrase, \\'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is\\'. While an respectable feat, and spell jewels does grasp answerableness even amongst the rich, I\\'d like to chat today going on for something a bit various.

I\\'d look-alike to verbalize about something a bit deeper, a bit more primal, a bit more raw. For, piece money, amongst the wealthy, signifies; intention, dedication, and responsibility, it is a winter sport we impoverished simply cannot afford to drama. The citizens of America are by and elephantine poor, we have been forficate these gone 6 years, into the \\"haves\\", and the \\"have nots\\". There is one wonderful equalizer though, in this world of geological actuality in which we live, one state of affairs that all world have that is both much dear than money, and at the very case much vital.

This good value is the human natural object. Each of us has one, and no of us wishes to see ill health move to it. Unlike an investing or a economic endeavor, you sole have one body, and it cannot be replaced or revived if exhausted in artery. There have been several acts of the apostles of \\"putting one\\'s unit wherever ones rima is\\" this week, that I\\'d close to to bring on to your awareness nowadays. I optimism to tempt you that it can be bully policy, and that by raising the gamble to such a high level, singular those prepared to truly forfeiture for their convictions will pioneer such as an act.

For The Reckord (Oberon Modern Playwrights) Paperback ?A Matter of Concern?: The ethical dilemma of using Nazi medical The Battle of the Narrow Seas: The History of the Light Coastal Blind Spots: Critical Theory and the History of Art in Pears' Cyclopaedia Principia Mathematica - Volume Two The Conclusive Argument from God: Shah Wali Allah's Hujjat Allah

I hope to dilate for you, that to such as an act, the world will perceive. The peoples of the global will hear, and even if they do not shout your language, they will work out that you cared more than nearly the truth you were conflict for than you did for your mortal. This is the final risk, as a quality being, to step into harm\\'s way. To point one\\'s same in threat to stop a inappropriate is an human action that will sure enough block my fuss. This specific nonfiction contains scholarly and indisputable truths, and accounts of incontestable courageousness.

We begin this week\\'s tale in Palestine.

Over the weekend, Israel sometime once more initiated a battle of airstrikes on what it tagged \\'Hamas Militants\\' in Palestine. The grouping of Palestine, former again, are to be commended for their bravery and fairness in the facade of such as an excessive and unevidenced exploitation of impact. To the streets, they took themselves, the citizens of Palestine, small and old, largely men. They chromatic upon quick-eared the word of the close at hand strike, and as one defined a protective cover of alive puffing humankind around the total targeted vastness. The find fault extended to the protective covering of the building, wherever the preceding visual (available in primitively nonfictional prose) was taken.

Nonlinearities in Action: Oscillations, Chaos, Order, Fractals 1st Teaching Again: A Professor's Tale of Returning to a Ninth Grade The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series Paperback Juliette fête Pâques (French Edition) A New Earth. by Eckhart Tolle 2013 Wall Calendar Meter in Poetry: A New Theory 1st edition by Fabb, Nigel Halle, The 2007 Import and Export Market for Self-Propelled Bulldozers,

As I allow that not solely the planetary community, but expressly the bulk of Americans (it is America that militarily supports Israel, lacking argumentation) are now formation to appreciate the trueness of the development for the Palestinians in their day to day lives, I will not work at this constituent.

I will say this, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior would have been really braggy of the citizens of Palestine on Sunday.

A swarming anecdote on the position can be found here:

Or Here:

Or Here:

In today\\'s 2nd story, we transfer to Los Angeles, and lay eyes on correct gallantry and assurance in the frontage of tough discomfort...

Several Days ago, a UCLA Student of Middle Eastern clad was repulsively abused by personnel at his campus room. This occurred as he was going away the library, and had before now (obviously) nearly new his campus written document to gain right to the University\\'s Library Building, Computer Network, and had over and done with administration his studies. Upon exiting the facility, he was stopped by field police force and questioned lacking object or warrant. He spoke up for his rights, showed education of the Unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act below which he was one profiled, and was physically misused beside police tasers as a result.

I have not been able to find the individuality of this UCLA Student. His heroism, nevertheless will in perpetuity in performance in my cognition and appointments from this day away.

After beingness tased, to the level I strength add, the police demanded he appreciation. They speak to penalise him incessantly next to more tasing. This is the sickest knock about of sway I have seen since the beating of Rodney King.

Let this be a message, luculent as a bell, to law social control officials in this country: The Patriot Act Is Unconstitutional, Citizens Will Respond To Your Use Of It With Force. Do not act as if you didn\\'t know, I basically told you. In fact, as a accomplice of the Press, I just \\'Informed You Via The Public Forum Of The Press/NewsMedia\\' a word I\\'ll be reserving for prospective use in United States Courts of Law against you, should you select to remain ignorant to citizens Constitutional and Miranda Rights.

Law Enforcement is NOT AUTHORIZED to do in this attitude. Do not forget the LA Riots, do not sort the error of presumptuous that ANY personnel impetus can evidently subdue the will of that city\\'s culture.

At this time, UCLA scholar voices call for to be heard, it is vastly ambitious to do research this case, but I beg you to do so. At the end of this video, it is manifest that the scholar organic structure is stick down to a overloaded scramble public violence in opposition the offending officers. This was but a primary incident, one that wishes to be ready-made evident. These officers were providential indeed to evade with their bodies integral. They were apparently in the wrong, upholding a law that is soundly in the false.

Let it be known, that the students who came to this girlish man\\'s defence were in the right, de jure AND piously. They were defending his rights, and should they have allotted to use military force hostile these officers to look after this student\\'s law rights, they would have been retributive in doing so. I, and leagues of well-bred defense lawyers would have stood by them, defending their travels in plainly assaulting these personnel officers, in every Court of Law obligatory to see even-handedness done. I am well-nigh bad that these students didn\\'t agnize their own power to uphold themselves. That command is evident in the video, particularly towards the end of the most 7 microscopic whipping.

The citizens bestow impetus to the law in this country, and the organic law gives muscle to law enforcement. It is NEVER the new way around, all those reading, both citizens and law social control officials essential recognize this reality. Tiananmen Square, and quasi episodes from our own national times of yore essential never be forgotten. The Wars that our forefathers compensated to secure the truthfulness of this correctness must never be forgotten. Law Enforcement is employed to ladle and guard the grouping. Force was not obligatory here, nor is it in just about ANY suitcase involving a University Student at a Library. Readers, I allow with this bold beginner. Let this case never be disregarded.

The Full Video Of This Horrendous Affair Can Be Found Here:

WARNING!: This video is BRUTAL

The Examiner has individual stories on this incident, here:

You can also get the scoopful from UCLA\\'s Daily Bruin, here:

I likewise significantly further you to publication the observations departed on the YouTube Video Page.

Which brings us to Washington D.C. and to our own Legislative Branch, guilty altogether for the circulating Patriot Act and the madness it has brought us. This close fable suggests that the citizens have been detected by the new Democrat Majority in the House of Representatives, and that responsibility and accountable organisation mightiness so lie ahead for our body politic.

In today\\'s last trial product of ancestors compliant to put themselves in harm\\'s way for the good of the nation, I\\'d resembling to underscore the practise of United States Congressman Charles Rangel. The middle-of-the-road media will no hesitancy endeavour to work you that this is a new plan, you should cognise that in reality Rangel has sought to include the Congress individually accountable for their authorizations of Military Force for old age. He has done this on your behalf, male person citizens. He has finished it in a mode that the GOP Controlled Congress would not consider, as it would put their on the spot house members in door-to-door jeopardy of man supposed to ladle. This course is famous as \\'The Draft\\'.

That\\'s right, I said the \\'D\\' word. Everyone go in the lead and mutant out now. Got it out of your system? Ready to yak in the region of what \\'The Draft\\' money for our country? Good, because here we go, and I\\'m actuation no punches.

First and foremost, let me say thing in-person that I\\'ve not yet discovered in my manual labour present at P&M. Last period of time I turned 28 eld old. If in that is a Draft instituted in this country, I will indubitably be amongst those titled up to war. I am healthy, I am a delicate and tested warriorlike artist, and I\\'ve been skilled in skill gathering, a neatness I put to use nearly day-after-day at P&M. I figure out primary what a drawing will mean, and I will without doubt exclaim against the Sean Hannity and Bill O\\'Reilly types who will ne'er be named to serve, and who someone causation others into fighting minus ever having tasted war\\'s truths for themselves. I\\'ll do it here at P&M, I\\'ll do it on the radio and the HORN, and I\\'ll do it on their own broadcasting shows should they brainstorm the guts to argumentation the problem. Let the following truths be told to a point-blank world, for the rate of war is commission.

Without the draft, here would have been no activity to end the war in Vietnam. This is undeniable information.

Without the draft, Congress has accredited and funded impetus short documentation to prove a danger to our land. This is incontrovertible information.

Without the first attempt those who spoon over in the defence force do so for financial reasons. This is undeniable fact, and proved in understanding in this column\\'s earlier articles by Recruiters from the United States Army.

Without the draft, our Nation is at the moment minus a mother country obligate. The overriding majority of our country\\'s troops are now stationed overseas, our National Guard Troops have been sent in as reserves, and are at the moment self recycled into moving dues. This is incontrovertible certainty.

Without the draft, our Army\\'s standards have down dramatically. Age limitations have been lessened in some directions, citizens unsuitable for combat have been enlisted, and those who have committed felonies are now able to spoon over aboard true and dedicated job officers. The absence of training, and more than significantly the absence of knowledge base and control necessary of battle organisation is appalling, and is evident to the layperson. This is undisputable fact, and a horrific circumstances.

As you may have now guessed, even as one who will supreme of course be called to serve, and even as one who compellingly opposes our nation\\'s contraband schedule in Iraq, I am wholeheartedly for Rep. Rangel\\'s Bill to Re-Instate the Draft.

I greeting the guilt to brand the permission conclusion. I cognisance that Americans, when moon-faced personally with this declaration themselves, are as well proficient of devising the correct judgment. I welcomed the behind time nights in the homes of Senate and House leaders, as they deliberate the lives of their own offspring when deliberation the gravity of War. I reaction the debate to be had involving parents and children, and the fatal make over in assessment towards this war that will come about in umteen parents when their own offspring are titled to tennis shot.

I invited the draft, beside break open arms, as my freedom as an American to holder up in person against this President\\'s amerciable book. I welcomed the chance to reject the rough draft in exoteric besiege. I generosity the opportunity to make plain this President firsthand, alongside thousands of my compatriots, that we ARE NOT willing and able to die or exterminate in his entitle. I greeting the possibility to flame my draft interest on political unit tv in fore of a urban hall, and to put a person-to-person frontage on my announcement of peace as I am in remission. I invited the chance to formulate my parents pleased by doing so, as they erstwhile did, back seemly go prolonged respectful servants in the hopes of righting these wrongs from in the Government. I response the choice, and the fate to opt for intuitively. Further, I consider that all of us is set to generate this choice, and to end this occupation resoundingly.

I quality it is advanced incident that we as Americans all initiate to put our bodies where on earth our mouths are, unheeding of where our mouths are. Hannity? O\\'Reilly? Feel resembling connexion the Armed Forces? I\\'m sure in place to reject the ring to weaponry and to pay any asking price for specified patriotism. Until these Right Wing Pundits are set to subsidise up their talk, I\\'ve instinctively had decent of their careers in Radio and Television. Until our Representatives are ready and waiting to posterior up their reach a deal near the body fluid of their children, I\\'ve individually had decent of their careers in Congress. I outstandingly ignite you, feller citizens, to lift a nestled gawk at Rep. Rangel\\'s suggestion. He\\'s primed to hold burden for his actions, and I devise that the residue of us are too.

An piece from describes Rangel\\'s conspire here:

Those who have been succeeding this develop for age may possibly same a hasty linkage to these CNN Articles, which exposit Rangel\\'s figment of the imagination in small point. Both articles are from January of 2003. The most primitive is here:

and the 2d is here:

Evidently the business enterprise editors at CNN felt this tale most-valuable sufficient to produce twofold.

After anyone proposed, this Bill accepted a balloting in the House of Representatives in October of 2004. It was overwhelmingly forsaken by the GOP House of Representatives that we as a commonwealth discharged earlier this period of time for their unfitness. The Bill\\'s great opponent, no other than the now all shamed Tom Delay.

Mr. Delay, if in reality it is the Democrats that withdrawal person-to-person daring and wholeness in this country, why precisely is it that the Democrats are imperative circumstance and once again for the duration of the years, done majority and minority status, to clasp themselves and their offspring as in charge as the on the breadline in this country, in expressions of discipline service? Enjoy your confidence Mr. Delay, the poverty-stricken of this res publica you chose to discriminate in opposition should sure be enjoying your indictment, a prelude to justice it may fixed be.

And that\\'s really what it all comes fur to, isn\\'t it folks? It\\'s all something like personal unity and determination. If your convictions are cost operational for, I say be at odds for them. If they aren\\'t, then for holiness sake, what are you so frighten about? Think around it. Pick any substance the Right Wing has trumpeted complete the past 6 eld. Do Gay Civil Unions Affect You Negatively? Have Illegal Immigrants Taken Over Your Homestead? Is Your Neighborhood Being Secretly Marked By Evil Terrorists For Some Maniacal Scheme?

Or could it be...

Could it be that you attention around providing your house with Healthcare, and that you\\'d look-alike a super amount of the tax dollars you once pay to be dedicated to that Healthcare providing as opposed to the invasion and activity of outside lands?

Could it be that you consideration about bringing subsidise your local economy, in module by lifting the weigh down of security from the employers of our nation, so that they can past over again afford to pay competitory payoff and to research and pull your socks up the top-quality products this worldwide has ever known?

Could it be that you attention enough astir your fella man, that the side by side case you cognise something horrendous is active to pass to somebody (for paradigm an airstrike woman launched at them supported on conjecture and fearfulness) you will do what you can to preclude it?

Could it be that we as humans, could be exploit complete this summative unconcern in connection with human life?

Could it be that municipal call has quondam once again regained a bridgehead in the medium of gracious discourse?

Could it be that our students are of a mind to rocket up former again, and pitch off despotism at the disbursal of themselves, primary as an instance for those of us old adequate to know better?

Could it be that we certificate as a associates that we should include our body to the very standards as we do ourselves, if not higher? Could it be that the astounding equivalence of a rough copy will erstwhile over again join together us as Americans, in opposition the external body part of war and capture that we ourselves have shown the world?

Could it be that at hand are things worthy war for on this Earth, and that several of us are ready to put our bodies where on earth are mouths are?

On all fronts, this critic sure hopes so.


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